Welcome to the essential swimwear blog! I've been really excited to start this blog so that you can keep updated with new products, special deals, etc. I also look forward to hearing your opinions on new designs, new fabrics, what you'd like to see in a swimsuit, etc.
As many of you know, for the past 2 years I've been hand-sewing each ordered swimsuit. It's been so much fun meeting and fitting many of you, but there's just no possible way I could keep up with the sewing demand. Especially with my second little one on the way (due in June) I knew there was no way I could keep sewing all the suits myself.
So it was either close the business or outsource the sewing. I am SO blessed and grateful to have found an amazing manufacturer based in China. The people I work with have been so patient, helpful and professional. Plus they have taken my patterns and turned them into beautiful, high quality swimsuits.
Just last week I received my first shipment. I'm SO excited about it!! All of the 16 different tops and 14 different bottoms look fantastic and I can't wait to share them with you.

I will officially start selling the suits on February 22, but want to give you a sneak peak of what's to come. For the next couple weeks, I'll post pictures of some of the suits ... so keep checking back!
Also, you're welcome to follow this blog, because starting February 23, I'll be having a "20% off Tuesday" promotion every week where I'll highlight one swimsuit on the blog that will be 20% off for that day only.